Employee Praise - How Are We Doing?
You Deserve Great Customer Service As You Travel the Rails
Has one of our team members gone that extra mile for you? If so, we would love to know. At Amtrak, our employees are committed to make every trip you take a safe, enjoyable and comfortable journey.
If you feel that a member of our team has delivered exceptional service, please take a moment to tell us about them. We take pride in recognizing our team members for doing a great job, and we thank you for your valuable feedback.
Recognize a Great Amtrak Employee
Contact Us if you need to reach Amtrak for any other reason.

Recognizing Excellent Employees
The Amtrak "Wall of Fame" program ensures that your feedback is passed along to our best employees, their peers and Amtrak management. Our employees take pride in the awards that they have won, and your input is what makes it work. Please tell us as much as you can about the employee you're writing about and when you traveled. The date(s) you received the excellent service and where (on the train, at which station, on the phone, etc.) will help us identify and recognize our employee for a job well done. When you see our crew members wearing customer service excellence pins, you will know that they have met the toughest test of customer service — recognition by your fellow travelers.
Recognizing Excellent Employees
The Amtrak "Wall of Fame" program ensures that your feedback is passed along to our best employees, their peers and Amtrak management. Our employees take pride in the awards that they have won, and your input is what makes it work. Please tell us as much as you can about the employee you're writing about and when you traveled. The date(s) you received the excellent service and where (on the train, at which station, on the phone, etc.) will help us identify and recognize our employee for a job well done. When you see our crew members wearing customer service excellence pins, you will know that they have met the toughest test of customer service — recognition by your fellow travelers.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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