Ronald L. Batory

Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Mr. Batory has more than four decades of operational and administrative experience in the railroad industry. Serving in various leadership roles, he has extensive expertise in planning, analysis, cost controls and exploration of commercial opportunities to enhance revenue and growth.
Mr. Batory served as administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) from February 2018 through January 2021. He was responsible for managing the agency’s regulatory oversight of the nation’s railroads, including enforcement of safety laws and regulations. He also provided direction for FRA-administered financial assistance programs, national freight and passenger rail policy and research and development activities supporting improved railroad safety. During his tenure, Mr. Batory led the implementation of Positive Train Control, which has improved safety across the industry.
Prior to his time at the FRA, Mr. Batory was president and chief operating officer of Conrail, the eighth-largest freight railroad in America, from 2004 until his retirement in April 2017. He was recruited to Conrail by CSX and Norfolk Southern Corporation in 1998 to serve as senior vice president of operations. At the time, these two Class 1 railroads were preparing to partition Conrail and establish the Conrail Shared Assets Areas in the Mid-Atlantic and Michigan.
Mr. Batory was president of The Belt Railway Company of Chicago from June 1994 to March 1998. He led the largest intermediate switching company in the nation, serving a terminal network of 17 rail carriers in the Chicago region. He focused on instituting policies and practices that led to safety and service performance records, while simultaneously undertaking a major infrastructure improvement plan.
Mr. Batory began his long railroad career in 1971 as a traveling auditor for the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad Company in Dearborn, Michigan. Building up his knowledge of operations, capital budgeting, planning, maintenance and other aspects of the industry, he advanced through management positions of increasing responsibility and scope at various eastern and western Class 1 railroads.
Mr. Batory received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Economics from Adrian College and earned a Master of Arts from Eastern Michigan University.
Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Mr. Batory has more than four decades of operational and administrative experience in the railroad industry. Serving in various leadership roles, he has extensive expertise in planning, analysis, cost controls and exploration of commercial opportunities to enhance revenue and growth.
Mr. Batory served as administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) from February 2018 through January 2021. He was responsible for managing the agency’s regulatory oversight of the nation’s railroads, including enforcement of safety laws and regulations. He also provided direction for FRA-administered financial assistance programs, national freight and passenger rail policy and research and development activities supporting improved railroad safety. During his tenure, Mr. Batory led the implementation of Positive Train Control, which has improved safety across the industry.
Prior to his time at the FRA, Mr. Batory was president and chief operating officer of Conrail, the eighth-largest freight railroad in America, from 2004 until his retirement in April 2017. He was recruited to Conrail by CSX and Norfolk Southern Corporation in 1998 to serve as senior vice president of operations. At the time, these two Class 1 railroads were preparing to partition Conrail and establish the Conrail Shared Assets Areas in the Mid-Atlantic and Michigan.
Mr. Batory was president of The Belt Railway Company of Chicago from June 1994 to March 1998. He led the largest intermediate switching company in the nation, serving a terminal network of 17 rail carriers in the Chicago region. He focused on instituting policies and practices that led to safety and service performance records, while simultaneously undertaking a major infrastructure improvement plan.
Mr. Batory began his long railroad career in 1971 as a traveling auditor for the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad Company in Dearborn, Michigan. Building up his knowledge of operations, capital budgeting, planning, maintenance and other aspects of the industry, he advanced through management positions of increasing responsibility and scope at various eastern and western Class 1 railroads.
Mr. Batory received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Economics from Adrian College and earned a Master of Arts from Eastern Michigan University.
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