Lanhee J. Chen, Ph.D.

Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Dr. Chen has spent his career in business, government and academia. For more than a decade, he has served as the David and Diane Steffy Fellow in American Public Policy Studies at the Hoover Institution and Director of Domestic Policy Studies and Lecturer in Public Policy at Stanford University.
As part of his academic work, Dr. Chen conducts research and provides commentary on contemporary American public policy issues, with a focus on health care policy, economic policy and U.S.-China relations. He teaches undergraduate and graduate students about public policy formation, implementation and the crossover between politics and public policymaking.
Since early 2023, Dr. Chen has also been a partner at the Brunswick Group, a consulting firm that provides counsel to corporate and non-profit leaders on public affairs and issues management. He co-leads the firm’s U.S. Public Affairs, Policy and Regulatory practice.
Earlier in his career, Dr. Chen was an operating partner at NewRoad Capital Partners, a private equity firm. From 2014 to 2018, he was appointed by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as a member of the Social Security Advisory Board. He also served in the George W. Bush Administration as a senior official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, he has been a contributor and commentator with various media outlets.
Dr. Chen is a member of the board of directors and chair of the Governance Committee at El Camino Health in Northern California, and previously served as board chair. He also is an adviser to or serves on the boards of several private companies and nonprofit organizations.
Dr. Chen earned his Ph.D. and Master of Arts in Political Science from Harvard University; his Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School; and his Bachelor of Arts in Government from Harvard College.
Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Dr. Chen has spent his career in business, government and academia. For more than a decade, he has served as the David and Diane Steffy Fellow in American Public Policy Studies at the Hoover Institution and Director of Domestic Policy Studies and Lecturer in Public Policy at Stanford University.
As part of his academic work, Dr. Chen conducts research and provides commentary on contemporary American public policy issues, with a focus on health care policy, economic policy and U.S.-China relations. He teaches undergraduate and graduate students about public policy formation, implementation and the crossover between politics and public policymaking.
Since early 2023, Dr. Chen has also been a partner at the Brunswick Group, a consulting firm that provides counsel to corporate and non-profit leaders on public affairs and issues management. He co-leads the firm’s U.S. Public Affairs, Policy and Regulatory practice.
Earlier in his career, Dr. Chen was an operating partner at NewRoad Capital Partners, a private equity firm. From 2014 to 2018, he was appointed by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as a member of the Social Security Advisory Board. He also served in the George W. Bush Administration as a senior official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, he has been a contributor and commentator with various media outlets.
Dr. Chen is a member of the board of directors and chair of the Governance Committee at El Camino Health in Northern California, and previously served as board chair. He also is an adviser to or serves on the boards of several private companies and nonprofit organizations.
Dr. Chen earned his Ph.D. and Master of Arts in Political Science from Harvard University; his Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School; and his Bachelor of Arts in Government from Harvard College.
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