Elaine M. Clegg

Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Ms. Clegg is chief executive officer of Valley Regional Transit (VRT) – the largest transit provider in Idaho – which serves the greater Boise area. She has been a public servant focused on transportation and land use issues for nearly three decades.
As CEO of VRT since February 2023, Ms. Clegg provides leadership, strategic direction and operational oversight for the agency, which manages contracts for the operation of fixed-route bus, on-demand bus and paratransit services to a population of approximately 650,000 people. Under her leadership, VRT initiated a significant redesign of the bus system, adding frequency and span to increase ridership.
Ms. Clegg served for nearly 20 years on the Boise City Council, including periods as council president. During her tenure, she sponsored a memorandum of understanding between the city and VRT to stabilize funding and service policy and became a passionate voice for reestablishing passenger rail service in Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. She also sponsored a comprehensive plan update and zoning rewrite and an initiative to create infill development in transit service areas. Her passion for the beauty and benefits of trees led to the Elaine Clegg City of Trees Challenge tree planting initiative.
From 1998 to 2023, Ms. Clegg also worked with the non-profit Idaho Smart Growth on advocacy, planning and implementation of transportation and land use policies. At Idaho Smart Growth, she served as the executive director from 1998 to 2004, coordinated the statewide Safe Routes to School program for the Idaho Transportation Department and directly collaborated with dozens of communities to improve comprehensive planning and transportation plans, networks and programs.
As a city council member, Ms. Clegg served on numerous boards, advisory committees and councils. She is currently on the board of the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho and has led the boards of VRT, the Association of Idaho Cities at the state level and the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations at the national level.
Ms. Clegg earned her Bachelor of Art in Painting and Drawing from Boise State University.
Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Ms. Clegg is chief executive officer of Valley Regional Transit (VRT) – the largest transit provider in Idaho – which serves the greater Boise area. She has been a public servant focused on transportation and land use issues for nearly three decades.
As CEO of VRT since February 2023, Ms. Clegg provides leadership, strategic direction and operational oversight for the agency, which manages contracts for the operation of fixed-route bus, on-demand bus and paratransit services to a population of approximately 650,000 people. Under her leadership, VRT initiated a significant redesign of the bus system, adding frequency and span to increase ridership.
Ms. Clegg served for nearly 20 years on the Boise City Council, including periods as council president. During her tenure, she sponsored a memorandum of understanding between the city and VRT to stabilize funding and service policy and became a passionate voice for reestablishing passenger rail service in Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. She also sponsored a comprehensive plan update and zoning rewrite and an initiative to create infill development in transit service areas. Her passion for the beauty and benefits of trees led to the Elaine Clegg City of Trees Challenge tree planting initiative.
From 1998 to 2023, Ms. Clegg also worked with the non-profit Idaho Smart Growth on advocacy, planning and implementation of transportation and land use policies. At Idaho Smart Growth, she served as the executive director from 1998 to 2004, coordinated the statewide Safe Routes to School program for the Idaho Transportation Department and directly collaborated with dozens of communities to improve comprehensive planning and transportation plans, networks and programs.
As a city council member, Ms. Clegg served on numerous boards, advisory committees and councils. She is currently on the board of the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho and has led the boards of VRT, the Association of Idaho Cities at the state level and the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations at the national level.
Ms. Clegg earned her Bachelor of Art in Painting and Drawing from Boise State University.
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