David M. Capozzi

Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Mr. Capozzi is a retired federal senior executive who has been a long-time advocate for people with disabilities and a leader in the field of accessibility.
Mr. Capozzi retired from the U.S. Access Board – a federal agency promoting equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards – in June 2020. He joined the agency in 1992 as the director of technical and information services and was named executive director in 2008.
At the U.S. Access Board, Mr. Capozzi managed more than $9 million in annual program expenditures and was responsible for strategic planning, budget execution and rulemaking. He also oversaw two federal advisory committees on rail vehicle access and medical diagnostic equipment and directed the agency’s training, technical assistance and research programs.
Under his leadership, the agency developed accessibility guidelines for the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) and Communications Act, as well as accessibility standards for information and communication technology and medical diagnostic equipment under the Rehabilitation Act.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Capozzi advocated for the rights of people with disabilities through positions with the National Easter Seal Society and Paralyzed Veterans of America. At the former, he oversaw Project ACTION (Accessible Community Transportation in our Nation), a multi-year research and demonstration project to improve access to public transportation for people with disabilities. He also managed a project between Easter Seals, the Community Transportation Association of America, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide technical assistance on ADA requirements to human services transportation providers.
Among the numerous awards and honors Mr. Capozzi has received is the “Service to the Citizen Award.” It recognizes public servants who demonstrate excellence in their delivery of services that impact people’s lives.
Mr. Capozzi also serves on various boards, including the European Accessibility Resource Centre and the United Spinal Association.
Mr. Capozzi received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and continued his education there to earn his Juris Doctor from the university’s School of Law.
Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2024, Mr. Capozzi is a retired federal senior executive who has been a long-time advocate for people with disabilities and a leader in the field of accessibility.
Mr. Capozzi retired from the U.S. Access Board – a federal agency promoting equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards – in June 2020. He joined the agency in 1992 as the director of technical and information services and was named executive director in 2008.
At the U.S. Access Board, Mr. Capozzi managed more than $9 million in annual program expenditures and was responsible for strategic planning, budget execution and rulemaking. He also oversaw two federal advisory committees on rail vehicle access and medical diagnostic equipment and directed the agency’s training, technical assistance and research programs.
Under his leadership, the agency developed accessibility guidelines for the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) and Communications Act, as well as accessibility standards for information and communication technology and medical diagnostic equipment under the Rehabilitation Act.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Capozzi advocated for the rights of people with disabilities through positions with the National Easter Seal Society and Paralyzed Veterans of America. At the former, he oversaw Project ACTION (Accessible Community Transportation in our Nation), a multi-year research and demonstration project to improve access to public transportation for people with disabilities. He also managed a project between Easter Seals, the Community Transportation Association of America, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide technical assistance on ADA requirements to human services transportation providers.
Among the numerous awards and honors Mr. Capozzi has received is the “Service to the Citizen Award.” It recognizes public servants who demonstrate excellence in their delivery of services that impact people’s lives.
Mr. Capozzi also serves on various boards, including the European Accessibility Resource Centre and the United Spinal Association.
Mr. Capozzi received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and continued his education there to earn his Juris Doctor from the university’s School of Law.
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