Christopher C. Koos

Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board in January 2023 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in January 2024, Mr. Koos has been the mayor of the Amtrak-served community of Normal, Illinois, since 2003. He earlier served as a member of the Normal Town Council for nearly two years.
As mayor, Mr. Koos has led efforts to drive economic and quality of life development, including the construction of the multi-modal Uptown Station, which serves the highest Amtrak ridership in Downstate Illinois. The station, completed in 2012, also houses civic functions and has become an anchor for the redevelopment of the Uptown Normal business district. In 2017, Mr. Koos recruited Rivian Automotive, an EV start-up company, to come to Normal. Rivian now employs about 8,500 people locally.
Other projects spearheaded by Mr. Koos include a hotel and conference center, the Children’s Discovery Museum, recreation facilities and expansion of Normal’s walking/biking trail system. These projects were carried out under policies that emphasize innovation, energy efficiency and environmental sensitivity.
For more than four decades, Mr. Koos has owned and operated a specialty retail store serving cycling enthusiasts; he later expanded his business to include a running store. This experience in the local business community has allowed Mr. Koos, in his role as mayor, to effectively pursue partnerships with community stakeholders, including private businesses and governmental partners at the local, state and federal levels.
Mr. Koos is a veteran of the U.S. Army, having served as an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam. In addition to his time in Normal government, he has served as the vice president of the Illinois Municipal League and the vice chair for passenger rail on the U.S. Conference of Mayors Transportation and Communications Committee.
Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board in January 2023 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in January 2024, Mr. Koos has been the mayor of the Amtrak-served community of Normal, Illinois, since 2003. He earlier served as a member of the Normal Town Council for nearly two years.
As mayor, Mr. Koos has led efforts to drive economic and quality of life development, including the construction of the multi-modal Uptown Station, which serves the highest Amtrak ridership in Downstate Illinois. The station, completed in 2012, also houses civic functions and has become an anchor for the redevelopment of the Uptown Normal business district. In 2017, Mr. Koos recruited Rivian Automotive, an EV start-up company, to come to Normal. Rivian now employs about 8,500 people locally.
Other projects spearheaded by Mr. Koos include a hotel and conference center, the Children’s Discovery Museum, recreation facilities and expansion of Normal’s walking/biking trail system. These projects were carried out under policies that emphasize innovation, energy efficiency and environmental sensitivity.
For more than four decades, Mr. Koos has owned and operated a specialty retail store serving cycling enthusiasts; he later expanded his business to include a running store. This experience in the local business community has allowed Mr. Koos, in his role as mayor, to effectively pursue partnerships with community stakeholders, including private businesses and governmental partners at the local, state and federal levels.
Mr. Koos is a veteran of the U.S. Army, having served as an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam. In addition to his time in Normal government, he has served as the vice president of the Illinois Municipal League and the vice chair for passenger rail on the U.S. Conference of Mayors Transportation and Communications Committee.
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