Anthony Coscia

Chair of the Board
Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board in January 2023 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in January 2024, Mr. Coscia is a partner at Windels Marx. He has specific experience in the areas of redevelopment finance and commercial and real estate matters and has worked extensively on corporate governance issues.
Mr. Coscia has served on the Amtrak Board of Directors since June 2010 and was first nominated by President Barack Obama in November 2009. He was elected chair of the board in 2013 and continues to serve in that role today. In July 2011, Mr. Coscia became vice chair of the Audit & Finance Committee, and he serves as chair of the Governance Committee.
Mr. Coscia also represents Amtrak on the Gateway Development Commission. This government-sponsored authority facilitates and coordinates activities to advance the Gateway Program, a series of rail infrastructure projects to improve and expand the most congested 10-mile section of the Northeast Corridor — North America’s busiest rail line — between New York City and Newark, New Jersey.
As chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey from 2003-2011, Mr. Coscia had broad oversight responsibility in connection with the agency's varied transportation businesses and $6.7 billion annual budget. From 1992-2003, he served as chairman of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.
Mr. Coscia has served on the boards of several public and closely held corporations in the construction, financial services, investment banking, real estate and manufacturing sectors.
He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, and he received his Juris Doctor degree from Rutgers University School of Law.
Chair of the Board
Nominated by President Joseph R. Biden as a director of the Amtrak Board in January 2023 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in January 2024, Mr. Coscia is a partner at Windels Marx. He has specific experience in the areas of redevelopment finance and commercial and real estate matters and has worked extensively on corporate governance issues.
Mr. Coscia has served on the Amtrak Board of Directors since June 2010 and was first nominated by President Barack Obama in November 2009. He was elected chair of the board in 2013 and continues to serve in that role today. In July 2011, Mr. Coscia became vice chair of the Audit & Finance Committee, and he serves as chair of the Governance Committee.
Mr. Coscia also represents Amtrak on the Gateway Development Commission. This government-sponsored authority facilitates and coordinates activities to advance the Gateway Program, a series of rail infrastructure projects to improve and expand the most congested 10-mile section of the Northeast Corridor — North America’s busiest rail line — between New York City and Newark, New Jersey.
As chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey from 2003-2011, Mr. Coscia had broad oversight responsibility in connection with the agency's varied transportation businesses and $6.7 billion annual budget. From 1992-2003, he served as chairman of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.
Mr. Coscia has served on the boards of several public and closely held corporations in the construction, financial services, investment banking, real estate and manufacturing sectors.
He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, and he received his Juris Doctor degree from Rutgers University School of Law.
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